Family sitting together outside on a bush walk, smiling and laughing together.

Partners and families

Support and connection for families of veterans or current ADF members.

When one member of the family experiences a service-related physical injury or mental health issue, the entire family can be affected. 

Spouses, partners, children or parents of veterans with service-related injuries can experience isolation or their own mental health challenges as a result of the circumstances of military life. We want you to know that it’s okay to reach out for help. Our support options are available for immediate family members.

From mental health services, to family BBQs, social connection activities, or yoga classes – we are here for you; to listen, to support, and to provide you with professional guidance to improve quality of life and relationships. You’ll also meet other families who understand the challenges often faced by Defence families.  

As a partner, child, or parent of a veteran with service-related injuries, you can apply to join Mates4Mates at any time. Your partner does not have to be registered for you to apply to join.

Join today

Our services

Latest news


Managing common injuries after leaving Defence

The physical demands of the Defence Force can often lead to injury, and, depending on the severity, may result in medical discharge and ongoing challenges following transition.


Explaining the Fresh Start Phenomenon

The Fresh Start Phenomenon is a powerful psychological concept that describes the surge of motivation people often feel during symbolic new beginnings, such as the new year.


Balancing rest and physical activity over the holidays

The holiday season is a time for many people to unwind from the year’s stress. Taking time to rest and recover is essential to help you recharge both your physical and mental health.

Get in touch

To find out more about joining Mates4Mates, accessing services or supporting our cause, fill out our form or call 1300 4 MATES (62 837) during business hours.