Group walking down a hill together smiling and laughing

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Explaining the Fresh Start Phenomenon

The Fresh Start Phenomenon is a powerful psychological concept that describes the surge of motivation people often feel during symbolic new beginnings, such as the new year.


Balancing rest and physical activity over the holidays

The holiday season is a time for many people to unwind from the year’s stress. Taking time to rest and recover is essential to help you recharge both your physical and mental health.


A message from our CEO on the Government's Response to the Royal Commission

On Monday, 2 December, the Australian Government handed down its response to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.


How to cope with uncertainty

Uncertainty is the unsettling feeling of not knowing what lies ahead. It is a psychological experience that is deeply uncomfortable for all individuals.


The relationship between social connection and PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder caused by exposure to traumatic events that overwhelm one’s ability to cope. Social connection can help.


Learning to cope with grief

Grief is the emotional response to loss, often associated with the loss of a loved one. However, grief is not always tied to a traumatic event and can arise from other significant changes or losses in life.