Mates4Mates staff member kneeling down talking with a female client who is sitting on a log outdoors with trees in the background.

About us

At Mates4Mates, we are here for those impacted by service.

Actively changing the lives of current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members, and their families, impacted by service. 

Established in 2013 by RSL Queensland, Mates4Mates is one of Australia’s leading veteran charities actively changing the lives of current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members, and their families, impacted by service.  

Almost 11,000 veterans and their families have directly benefited from Mates4Mates services to date. We are here to provide a pathway to recovery through our physical rehabilitation and mental health services, skills and wellbeing programs, and social connection activities.

We have Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres in North Queensland, South East Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania, as well as online and in outreach areas. 

Many of our staff come from all areas of the Defence community and understand what it means to serve. They are experienced in helping veterans overcome hurdles and navigate through recovery. 

If you want to find out more about Mates4Mates, get in touch

Our Impact

Mates4Mates is actively changing lives, with over 11,000 veterans and family members having accessed our services across our centres in Australia. In 2023, we provided over 38,300 opportunities for client connection, in person and online. 

More on our impact 

Video transcript

Get in touch

To find out more about joining Mates4Mates, accessing services or supporting our cause, fill out our form or call 1300 4 MATES (62 837) during business hours.