Group sitting outdoors smiling.

Join Mates4Mates

Here for when you need support.

Service-related injuries can make life challenging, which is why we’re here to provide a way forward.

Whether you are currently serving, have transitioned recently or many years ago, or are a family member of someone who served, and meet the eligibility criteria below – you can access support at Mates4Mates. To book an appointment with a psychologist, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist, simply obtain a DVA or Medicare referral from your GP and contact us.

To access social connection and wellbeing services, fill out our new client form. Once you’ve joined, you are welcome to come and go as you need for programs and social connection activities. 

We provide a safe, supportive environment for you to seek help for physical injuries and mental health issues – with no judgement or expectations. 

Eligibility criteria 

  • Must be a current or ex-serving member of the Army, Airforce or Navy, and must have a physical injury or a mental health illness as a direct result of your service.  
  • No deployment or operational service is required, nor any minimum amount of time served. 
  • Immediate family members (spouses, partners and children) of current or ex-serving members with service-related injuries are eligible for services. 

How to join 

To join Mates4Mates, simply fill out our form below and one of our experienced staff members will be in touch to talk further about your application. If you would like to talk with us before applying, contact us

Complete the new client form

After becoming a Mate, life started to improve. I learnt that if you face your demons, get the right help and treatment, you can turn your life around.

Veteran, TAS
Group of three huddled together laughing while they enjoy a BBQ
With mates behind you, there's power to move forward.

Frequently asked questions

All partners, spouses and immediate family members of eligible current or ex-serving Defence Force members can join Mates4Mates. Your current or ex-serving partner/family member does not have to be registered with Mates4Mates, but they must have a service-related injury in order for you to be eligible for support. We understand the impact that injuries can have on the wider family unit and are here to support you through it. Complete our new client form today.
No. We are here for all current and ex-serving ADF members of all ages, ranks and from all areas of service. It doesn’t matter where you served or in what capacity, our only eligibility criteria is that you have a service-related physical or psychological injury.

The term ‘Mate’ is used to refer to anyone who has joined Mates4Mates and is accessing our services. We’re here to provide mateship and support - everyone that is a member of Mates4Mates is our mate and can find new mates.

Mates4Mates was specifically established to provide support services to those who have sustained injuries as a direct result of their military service. If you do not identify as having a service-related injury but would like some additional support, we can help link you with other organisations who can help.

As a registered Mate, you can access a wide range of our services including mental health support, physical rehabilitation and social connection activities. Our Liaison Officers, located at our Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres, can help you find services that are right for you.

Children are welcome in our Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres, but we require you to supervise them at all times. We also have a number of programs for families, including school holiday programs, which your children are welcome to attend with parental supervision.

Anyone who is currently serving and has been injured, has experienced a traumatic event or is experiencing mental health issues, can access our range of services confidentially.

All our services are offered at no-cost to eligible Mates and family members, thanks to the generous support of our community and partners.

You have to complete our new client form to participate in activities and programs. To book an appointment with one of our psychologists, physiotherapists or exercise physiologists all you need is a referral from your GP.
We provide a number of outreach programs in regional locations to help reduce isolation and connect you with others who understand what you’re going through. Find out more here or call us on 1300 4 MATES (62 837).