Mental health and wellbeing services
Treatment to help you manage your mental health, wellbeing and improve your quality of life.
Making all the difference for those impacted by service.
We offer many pathways to recovery through our comprehensive support and rehabilitation services.
From mental health and physical rehabilitation services, to wellbeing programs and social connection activities – our services are proven to make a real difference. They can be accessed nationally and through purpose-built Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres in North Queensland, South East Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania, as well as online and in outreach areas. Many of our services are flexible and offered at different times to help you find something that best meets your needs.
Reaching out for support after an injury, or during transition, is imperative for improving long-term health and wellbeing, and quality of life. No matter where you’ve served or in what capacity, or whether you’ve supported a loved one who has served, you can access support through our services.
Treatment to help you manage your mental health, wellbeing and improve your quality of life.
Regular opportunities for mateship and peer support through social and family activities.
Mates4Mates was specifically established to provide support services to those who have sustained injuries as a direct result of their military service. If you do not identify as having a service-related injury but would like some additional support, we can help link you with other organisations who can help.
Breaking that isolation and finding other veterans that speak the same language is really helpful. It brought me back to life and got me living again. You realise you’re not alone and others go through the same things.
Veteran, Queensland
To find out more about joining Mates4Mates, accessing services or supporting our cause, fill out our form or call 1300 4 MATES (62 837) during business hours.