Man wearing Mates4Mates t-shirt rolling out yoga mat in yoga studio

Celebrating International Day of Yoga

21 June 2021

Discover trauma sensitive yoga this International Yoga Day, specifically designed to help veterans manage stress and anxiety.

Today marks International Day of Yoga, with the 2021 edition to be celebrated under the theme ‘Yoga for wellbeing’, recognising the benefits to both your physical and mental health through meditative practice. 

An ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice originating in India, yoga is not just about exercise. Yoga is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature.

The Yoga for wellbeing theme aligns closely with Mates4Mates’ trauma sensitive yoga program, specifically designed to help veterans manage stress and anxiety. 

Mates4Mates’ Trauma Sensitive Yoga Specialist, Jodi Allen, said this specific style of yoga caters for a wide variety of people.

“Trauma sensitive yoga is a relaxation, meditation-based class. Through gentle yoga forms and breathing practices, we create a space where participants can access the present moment and reclaim a sense of well-being,” Ms Allen said. 

“We have people who have experienced trauma, brain injury, stroke, amputation, along with family and children - it’s open to all our Mates and all abilities.”

“There are so many benefits to this style of yoga, from providing the opportunity to use our breath in moments of stress and anxiety, to improving our sleep and feeling connected with our body in a safe and supportive environment.”

While those who are yet to experience this style of yoga focus on the positions, Ms Allen believes one of the largest improvements through the practice comes from something far simpler. 

“One of the most important benefits of this style of yoga is the focus on using our breath.” 

“Our breath is such a fundamental tool we all have within ourselves that we can use to calm our nervous system and empower ourselves to feel safe in times of stress and anxiety.”

Mates4Mates trauma sensitive yoga sessions are offered via both our Family Recovery Centres, as well as online.

For more information on accessing our trauma sensitive yoga sessions, contact us.

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