Evan Hill, SCGC Member 

Ba. Nursing, PGrd. Paramedicine, MACN, GAICD, GAICG

Evan has a 15-year plus career in Senior health management in variety of locations, including Aged and Community care, Correctional and Immigration detention, Private hospitals, and the Aboriginal healthcare sector. Evan provides services to several healthcare accreditation bodies as a surveyor and sits as an Examiner for internationally qualified Nurses on behalf of AHPRA.

Evan also provides services to several Universities as a sessional academic and Lecturer.

Evan has previously been ministerially appointed to sit on the Western Australia Nursing and Midwifery board.

Evan has successfully led organisations through high level strategic change and master planning to ensure future proofing of the organisations and the sector they operate within. He has also had previous success with healthcare business mergers and acquisitions.

With a passion for robust Clinical Governance, Evan has developed and introduced modern and effective models of care in a variety of locations to meet required standards and to ensure that effective and safe clinical care is delivered to consumers and patients. Evan has assisted several organisations with their corporate and clinical governance models to ensure ongoing compliance and best practice.



Headshot of Evan Hill Mates4Mates SCGC member
Evan Hill, SCGC Member