Kelli Pumphrey, SCGC Member

RN, GradDipAdvPracNurs 

Kelli is a registered nurse specialising in clinical governance and quality management in the aged care sector with extensive experience in both residential and community aged care settings.  A proud veteran of the United States Air Force, Kelli served on active duty for 6 years as a weather forecaster and observer.

With a lived experience of military service, and navigation of veteran's services as a disabled veteran, she is passionate about matters effecting veterans and their families during the transition from active service to civilian life, and beyond.

Her particular interest in working with other veterans as a registered nurse has led her to the Service and Clinical Governance Committee with the intent to serve the ex-service member community and to continue the work to improve veteran health and wellbeing.

Headshot of Kelli Pumphrey Mates4Mates  SCGC member
Kelli Pumphrey, SCGC Member