Reduce your back pain with these steps

30 June 2020

We’ve all had it. That dull ache in our lower back, a tightness or a pinch that stops us from doing the things we like to do. But how can we help it?

Lower back pain can affect our sleep, our function and our mood. It often feels overwhelming, restrictive and out of our control but there are some things you can try that might make a difference to help you move forward from limiting pain.

Here's four key things to check in on:
1. Your sleep habits: Do you have a set sleep schedule, or have trouble getting comfortable at night? Having a good routine and sleeping in supportive positions can make a big difference to your lower back pain, how you sleep at night and how you feel when you wake. There are strong correlations between increased pain and sleep deprivation.
2. Your core strength: Quite often our core isn’t doing what it should be doing to support our lower back. Working on mobilising through your lower back, core activation and trunk control with your Exercise Physiologist can assist with improving function and reducing pain.

3. Your posture: How do you sit, drive in your car, walk, or pick up things? Becoming aware of our daily movement patterns and habits can help keep us healthy and reduce our pain levels. Think about how many muscles you can use to complete a movement.

4. Your movement: The body is designed to be warm and to move fluidly. Sedentary behaviours can increase muscle tension and a breakdown of supportive muscles that we need to help protect the spine and move functionally. Even a short walk around the block or five minutes of stretching can help reduce pain and improve mobility. Small consistent efforts over time can bring positive, long term results.

Need a hand working out what’s right for you and your lower back? Our accredited Exercise Physiologists can assess your functional movement and help formulate a lower back treatment plan individualised to you. If you have a diagnosed lower back condition, talk to your GP about your eligibility to be referred to one of our Exercise Physiologists. 

Written by Mates4Mates Exercise Physiologist, Lauren Kelly

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