New Client Form

Mates4Mates Veteran and Family Wellbeing Centre
Palmerston, Northern Territory
** A link to our privacy policy and information regarding how we handle your personal information can be found in the terms and conditions.

By accessing the Centre, you agree to:

  1. Treat all other clients of the Centre, employees, services providers and visitors with courtesy and respect;
  2. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other clients and family members accessing the Centre, and all services providers and employees of the Centre;
  3. Not engage in behaviours which are considered physically, verbally or sexually threatening, aggressive, intimidating or abusive;
  4. Not use profane or derogatory language, insults or slurs of a sexual, racial or religious nature;
  5. Respect others’ religious cultural and personal beliefs and not engage in any form of discrimination;
  6. Not consume or possess alcohol or illegal drugs (or drug paraphernalia) in the Centre or engaging in any Centre related activities;
  7. Not be adversely affected by the use of alcohol or drugs while in the Centre or engaging in any Centre related activities;
  8. Not carry weapons at any time;
  9. Not smoke in the Centre or other areas which are identified as non-smoking;
  10. Comply with all lawful and reasonable instructions from employees at the Centre;
  11. Use all equipment and materials supplied at the Centre in the manner intended and as instructed by employees;
  12. If attending the Centre or participating in Centre related activities with children, to supervise your children at all times. Centre employees cannot take responsibility for the supervision of minors;
  13. Advise Centre employees of any legal orders or processes which prevent your participation in our activities or attendance at the Centre.

By ticking ‘I accept’ you declare that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions.