Your Impact

Together, we have achieved so much. But there is still so much more to be done.

How you make a difference

We're continually working towards making services more accessible across Australia through both physical and online programs.


For many Australians, 2020 has been an unpredictable and at times, difficult year. But for many veterans and families who were already experiencing significant stresses, and service-related injuries, the struggles has only increased. Sadly, it doesn’t just go away on its own. 

With your help, we’ll deliver over 50 new programs next year, both online and face-to-face, to help target a wide range of everyday challenges that veterans face. These will include: 

  • Overcoming trauma
  • Beating addiction
  • Managing mental health
  • Building better relationships
  • Managing anger 
  • Living more comfortably with persistent pain.

These programs will change lives and enable many veterans to live a life, less burdened by injury and illness.

A gift of just $78 today will double to $156 and help two mates get access to vital support services.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, so these new programs will range from 90-minute intensive sessions to more in-depth four, six and 12-week programs. This will ensure that veterans and families can find the right support that meets their needs and situation now.  

By offering these programs at our Family Recovery Centres and online, we will be able to further reduce the barriers that regional and rural veterans can face when looking for support; 

  • $78 will enable one veteran to take part in a 90-minute program to deal with persistent pain. 
  • $471 will enable one veteran to take part in a 6-week recovery program to better manage anxiety and depression symptoms. 
  • $818 will enable one veteran to take part in a 12-week recovery program targeting PTSD. 

With mental health issues and suicide rates expected to increase, we need your help to fund these new services right now.

Help ensure no mate is left behind. Everyone deserves to have access to support.

Mates4Mates Skills for Recovery Programs

Help ensure no mate is left behind.
Everyone deserves to have access to support.

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