Don't wait until Monday

02 January 2020

New Year’s resolutions are not always the answer to a healthier, happier life. Mates4Mates Exercise Physiologist, Lauren Kelly, explains.

As we start a new year, we often start our #summershred or ambitious gym regime, valiantly trying to build muscle, lose weight or reach a goal. 

However, if this leads to feeling overwhelmed many people end up putting it in the ‘too hard’ basket pretty quickly. 

Long term changes happen with small consistent habits and you don’t need to wait until January 1, or Monday, or when the stars align to get started. There is no better time to start than now!

Focusing on small goals will bring a sense of achievement, increase confidence, and you’ll be more likely to take on bigger, more ambitious health and fitness goals as time goes on. Here’s three tips to get you started: 

Set the habit and slowly increase it

 Set a reminder in your phone for 20 minutes of non-negotiable movement every day. Can’t find 20 minutes? Start by going for walk around the block each day, do just five minutes of squats or set a timer to stretch for five minutes. There’s a really good chance you’ll end up doing more as movement releases all those feel-good endorphins. 

Set a goal based on feel, not appearance

Setting goals to achieve a distance or time to feel strong or to have more energy, are going to make you feel good and motivate you. When you feel good, you’ll stick with it and reach your goals. 

Work with your energy levels 

If you’re free at 3pm to exercise, but you have more energy in the morning, that isn’t going to keep you motivated. Instead, wake up 20 minutes earlier and work in with your energy levels.

Make a commitment to start today. 

Find out more If any content in this article resonates with you and you’d like to speak with someone at Mates4Mates about seeking support, contact us to find out more about our services. All Mates4Mates services are available for current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members with physical injuries or mental health issues, and their families.
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