Veteran and Family Wellbeing Centre logo on the wall at the centre in Stafford.

Expanding support services on the Sunshine Coast

23 November 2023

RSL Queensland and Mates4Mates are set to expand wellbeing and support services for veterans and their families on the Sunshine Coast.

As part of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs 'Veteran Wellbeing Grants One-Off Program', a $1.8 million grant will allow RSL Queensland and Mates4Mates to provide additional services tailored to the needs of local veterans and the community on the Sunshine Coast.

RSL Queensland’s Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centre on the Sunshine Coast will be located at Level 2, 21 Carnaby Street, Maroochydore and will provide a range of health and wellbeing programs in addition to support services such as advocacy and employment.

RSL Queensland Deputy CEO – Veteran Services Troy Watson welcomed the funding from the Department of Veterans' Affairs and said it was an important investment to ensure there was a consistent and collaborative approach to supporting veterans and their families.

“As an organisation, our focus is to provide a range of health and wellbeing services to support veterans and their families, something we’re currently doing through our Veteran and Family Wellbeing Centres in Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, as well as the Northern Territory and Tasmania with Mates4Mates,” Mr Watson said.

“This announcement complements our recently opened RSL Queensland Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centre in Brisbane and will support us in collaborating further with ex-service organisations on the Coast who are doing great work to support the veteran community.

“The establishment of these Centres is to provide a physical presence for veterans and their families to go to for support, while also focusing on improving collaboration across the community and veteran sector – ultimately improving the outcomes possible for veterans and their families.

“We recognise that there is a large population of veterans on the Sunshine Coast and we’re honoured to have the opportunity to consolidate and expand our services on the Sunshine Coast and provide more veterans and their families with support,” Mr Watson said.

RSL Queensland Sunshine Coast and Regional District President Ian Hall said the Centre would enable veterans and their families to build connections through the District, in addition to accessing a range of support services.

“The RSL Queensland Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centre, along with the RSL Sunshine Coast and Regional District, will provide veterans with a holistic approach to receiving the support they need in one centralised location,” Mr Hall said.

Mates4Mates Chief Executive Officer Emma Whitehead said the model of support worked well and provided one location for veterans and their families to access a broad range of services and programs, from mental health to physical rehabilitation services and social connection activities.

More information about the new centre and when it will be opening will be shared in the near future. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to have a chat with our friendly South East Queensland team on 1300 4 MATES (62 837) or email  

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