Mates4Mates has partnered with SHAPE Defence

05 February 2024

Mates4Mates is excited to announce that SHAPE Australia has chosen us as their charity of choice partner for their business unit, SHAPE Defence.

SHAPE will seek to raise funds for Mates4Mates through several corporate initiatives across the country, contributing to the vital support services that Mates4Mates provides to veterans and their families impacted by service.  

SHAPE is a trusted national delivery partner for Defence, delivering capital works projects for the Australian Department of Defence and Defence Prime Contractors. 

SHAPE Group Manager – Defence and Federal Government, Mitch Flynn shared that SHAPE is thrilled to forge a meaningful partnership with Mates4Mates. 

"SHAPE and Mates4Mates embrace the shared commitment to supporting veterans and their families impacted by service, fostering resilience, and building a future where every mate can thrive,” Mitch said. 

“As a trusted national delivery partner for Defence, we are honoured to be able to make a positive impact in the community we serve by supporting Mates4Mates, ensuring their rehabilitation, mental health, and community-building services continue to provide much needed support for veterans who have served our country.” 

Mates4Mates Chief Executive Officer, Emma Whitehead also welcomed the new partnership. 

“It’s through the support of corporate partners such as SHAPE that allows us to meet the ever-increasing need for more services within the veteran community,” Emma said. 

“Their support is critical to the work of Mates4Mates, and I look forward to seeing this connection help support veterans and their families impacted by service.” 

For more information about SHAPE Defence, please visit their website:

To find out more about our services at Mates4Mates, make the call that makes the difference on 1300 4 MATES (62 837).  

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