Cody's Story

15 June 2021

As the child of a veteran, I know first hand how challenging mental health and transitioning to civilian life can be. Join me in building a community veterans can depend on.


Most veterans won’t ask for help when life gets challenging. They can be battling with pain, feel alone and can lose hope.
I know, because I grew up in a Defence home. My dad served in the army for 25 years. Throughout my childhood, I witnessed the struggles my dad faced battling mental health challenges and transitioning to civilian life.
I became a Liaison Officer with Mates4Mates because I experienced first-hand the positive impact that Mates4Mates social connection activities had within my own family. 
That’s why I am reaching out this tax-time to ask for your help.
Now that restrictions have been lifted and we can get back in the community, we need to be there for veterans and their families impacted by service.
Your generous gift today will help our dedicated team of Liaison Officers to support veterans and their families to rebuild their community - making sure support is there when they need it most.

With you by our side, we can reach more veterans impacted by service, helping them forge lasting relationships and build a pathway to recovery.
Every day through my role, I see the positive impact that social connection has on veterans and their families as our community is growing.

Through shared experiences like participating in our social groups, including gardening and mountain biking, they form trusting relationships and build a support framework.

In fact, 8 out of 10 veterans recently surveyed say attending Mates4Mates social connection activities has helped them build their support network.

That is why your support is so important to the work that we do.

You can help us be there to spend time with veterans and their families, like Stuart’s* when they really need us. Stuart and his family regularly attend our weekly group bike rides. He recently shared...

Will you be part of the support system that is helping veterans, like Stuart and his family, to build strength through community by donating today?
Your gift will not just provide a service, but will help me reach more veterans to support them through their unique challenges.
One of the best parts of my job is seeing a Mate who was previously struggling, become empowered and confident enough to share their own experiences to help another Mate out.
That is what building a strong, supportive community is all about!
I am dedicated to improving the lives of veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much for us.
Strengthen our community and help veterans and their families build a better future.
With heartfelt thanks,
Mates4Mates Liaison Officer


*Names have been changed for privacy reasons.

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