Mates4Mates Online Arts Therapy Group Program

Are you a veteran or family member looking to manage and improve their mental health?

Then the Online Arts Therapy Group Program may be for you!

What is Arts Therapy?

Arts Therapy is designed to initiate change and growth through artistic expression, in a safe and supportive environment and is particularly helpful for any veteran or family member who may find it difficult to verbalise or conceptualise their feelings.

Our Online Arts Therapy Group Program will run for four sessions and is facilitated by a qualified practitioner.

The online program will support participants to increase self-awareness and overall wellbeing; develop new skills in a fun, creative and safe therapeutic setting; feel connected to and further explore self-identity through creative arts-making processes; and create social connectedness and provide an opportunity for shared understanding and learning within a group context.

To participate, you will need:

  • To be a registered Mates4Mates member – you can join here
  • PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone with video calling capabilities
  • Internet connection capable of sustaining an online video call 

Upcoming Programs

Our next program will be delivered in 2024. If you are interested in upcoming programs, please don't hesitate to contact

Places in the program are available to veterans and family members registered with Mates4Mates. If you are not a Mates4Mates member and would like to take part, simply complete the Mates4Mates new client form online and our team will be in touch soon.